It was surreal to finally be in Europe and I became the typical American tourist still glancing at gift shops and challenging myself to eat something authentic from the cafe. I even tried to practice French language, since that was the only foreign language I took in high school. So I only understood oui "yes" and bon voyage "have a good trip!"
We considered ourselves fortunate that our luggage was at the baggage claim (remember our bad luck) and we waited for a taxi. It was obvious we were in Europe since every cab was a Mercedes. I also noticed that all the cars were smaller, no SUV's. The smaller, the better!

When arriving to the CabInn, we were happily greeted by the rest of our friends and colleagues. We looked at each other sleepily and went immediately to bed. The hotel rooms were no different from the cars---extremely small! I immediately went back to my college days because it reminded me of my dorm room. Cindi had luckily figured out how the lights worked (you have to put your room key into a slot), along with the faucet and shower. We also maneuvered our suitcases and travel items to make sure we had enough room to walk. Sleep sounded wonderful and stayed tuned for the many adventures in Denmark!
Video of our hotel room at the CabInn:
Lesson Learned:
We are not in America anymore...
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